Monday, September 13, 2010

A photo shoot for Taliesin

For my first assignment in my commercial photography class we students had the wonderful opportunity to spend the day shooting Taliesin.  Taliesin was the Wisconsin home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright he spent his summers here.  The home has some seedy and  interesting history connected to it, complete with murder and adultery.

It is also the location of the design school created by FLW as well.  The keepers of Taliesin don't allow anyone to photograph this amazing location and keep a very tight hold on the images released.  I can't tell you how honored I am to have had this amazing opportunity as a photography student when many, many famous photographers offer their services for free and get turned away.  To sweeten this amazing opportunity further,  each student was tasked with providing three edited images that the Taliesin group can use however they see fit.  Be it website photo's, images for their quarterly magazine, postcards or for promoting their big 100 year celebration next summer.  While we won't be paid for our work we will be credited when and if they choose to publish our photo's.  I can only cross my fingers that one of my photo's is chosen in the coming months or years.  Such a credit will be an amazing honor and portfolio show piece!

It was so very difficult for me to choose my three shots. In deciding I had a few very important points to keep in mind.

1. In every single aspect of my life I am the least competitive person you will ever meet... but then there is photography and I'm almost ruthless in wanting to be the best.  So of course I needed to turn in shots that no other student in my class thought of.  That limited me in that I stayed far away from areas I felt were over shot.

2. The sky was dreary and I had to drop in sky's to all three shots.

So with out further ado, I give you my Taliesin Project in completion.

Can you even believe not on other student took a photo of the catwalk?!?  Shocked and amazingly please that I got to use this shot.  

This is the very back area of the house proper.  Not a typical shot of Taliesin for sure but I'm hoping it still captures FLW's style.

This is a part of the farm that is located at Taliesin.

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