Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day Cliche!!!

This year for Labor Day I demanded that Berdaddy and I plan a fun get away for the family to a destination close by that didn't involve a tent.  Don't get me wrong, I lurrrv to go camping, start a fire, hike in the wild out doors and gaze up at the big star covered sky.  But as our little Button is only 12 months I thought it best to find something a little more civilized and a toilet that flushes.

So I scoured the internet for deals and steals and ended up finding a great deal at the Copa Cabana in Wisconsin Dells, the midwest water park capital.  Granted, going to the Dells is probably the most cheesy and cliche vacation any Wisconsinite will go on but hey, my kid likes to splash in a good water park too and so it was settled we were off to the land of Tommy Bartlett and Noah's Ark.  I also twisted my cousin's arm into bring her family along for the Labor Day fun as well.  I can't tell you how I looked forward to this little get away in the days leading up to it.  I could barely contain my excitement at the idea of paying too much for food and attractions but by golly, it has been years since I've been a proper tourist and I was chomping at the bit.

In the three days we were there we did it all! We over paid for so-so food, and about chocked at the cost to get into Storybook Gardens.  On the other hand we had an amazing mexican feast at Mexicali Rose and once inside Storybook Gardens there was so much to see and do, a toddlers dream realized for sure.  I can't wait to take Button back when she is a bit older and able to climb all over the fun toys and explore the cute doll houses.

The weather was a bit on the cool side, making me extra thankful I booked a hotel with a nice indoor water park as well.  But my cousin's boys would not let the freezing cold water hold them back from exploring that cool pirate ship.  Notice we are the only people out side!

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